nails care for cat claws
Generally, all cats will keep and care for nails well, namely by way of climbing and clawing or scratching her nails on scratch objects such as tree trunks..
Habits of cats who love to climb scratch and scratched nails or claws are useful to help clean the nails themselves, as well as be able to sharpen his nails.
For you the owner of a cat, should provide a climbing pole near the barn cats as a scratching at the same time climbing and playing cat. It can also prevent your pet climb or scratch and scratched nails or claws on your furniture.
Pole climbing (where scratching) can be made of logs or timber bearing gloved or entwined with ropes, also can be hung as well as play equipment for the kitten, and so on. There are a variety of shapes / designs where scratching and / or climbing that can be made atyau purchased the pet shop.
Nails are cut once a week. Press the foot pads to keep cutting the nail out.
as reference, you see the pink flesh inside the nail, the maximum limit you cut the nails of cats and not to hit the meat, can bleed.
To take care of cat fur, give vitamins fish oil (0.5 perkucing guwe sie ngasih cc - 0.75 cc). Comb your hair every day with the cat back and forth.
Bathe min 3 weeks.
How to Cut Cat Nails
Cutting cat nails are usually required and may be a liability for owners of animals, especially cats and closely related to the natural behavior of cats is mengaruk.
Scratching is natural behavior of cats and needed by cats. The owner could not teach or prohibit their pet cats to never scratch. However, you as the owner can provide a surface or a place to scratch and then teach them just to scratch the surface alone.
So it is important to teach your pet cat habits early will mengaruk only at places where the place to mengaruk. Natural habits of cats (mengaruk or scratching), would actually be very detrimental to us as owners. Especially owners of the cats in the house.
As large owners complain of a scratch mark or scratch from a cat kesayangaan them in the house or property which is certainly not desired. Moreover, the property or that which has the scar is a property or object that has a very significant value.
Most of the damage caused by scratching the front paws cat nails, cats claw indiscriminately bulu.Dengan usually spend about 10 minutes, we as owners must be able to avoid things that are not desirable at once to save the cost of our trip to the pet owners grommer professional.
Unlike the cats that live in the outside environment, their nails do not need to be cut. The cats who spend their habit outside environment usually requires the nails as a weapon for defensive or defense.
For cats who are older or arthritic cats who suffer from the case look less active, so their nails manicured less because they are lazy to menggarukan or scratch their fingernails in an attempt to remove the layers or the outer sheath of old nails, so that in those cases, you may need to cut the nail back.
If cat owners do not routinely cutting cat nails, nail lengthwise cats can grow up to be hurt as a result cats cat's paw pads will feel the pain while resting their feet.
Suggested as a cat owner, cat to get used to cut the nails at an early age or a young cat. Thus, the cat will get used and become more calm when their nails cut. This can be done by gently holding your cat's paw.
Some cats are usually less happy or uncomfortable when their nails to be cut. In such cases I suggest you cut your nails pet cat bit by bit (per finger). You can also do perbagian foot cats for one day so the cats do not feel stressed, even you can do when your cat nap. Gradually you get to cut the claws whole, then two, then four. In addition, you can invite your cat a game or it could provide a meal to spit out your pet cat's attention to their nails.
* Hold the cat's paw in your hand with your fingers using the thumb and forefinger.
* Gently press one of your toes until your cat's nails seen poking out of the holster.
Notice in the middle there is the pink paws, in this section there are blood vessels and nerves. Remember this section do not participate karenan cuts will cause bleeding and pain for cats. If you accidentally cut off immediately press the bleeding using a cotton swab until the bleeding dry. can then be Andah give iodine. If bleeding continues, give the styptic powder or cornstarch can be used to stop bleeding. If there is use of Permaganate Potassium.
Used nail clippers can use regular nail kunting for humans, but you also can buy special nail clippers for cats, this should be available from pet shops. Nail clippers which used to be very sharp because when the blunt can destroy the nail.
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